Sunday, July 30, 2006
In All Things
Friday, July 28, 2006
A Verb
Love in a relationship is more than sayin i love you every morning and evening. It is Helping with the dishes, picking up after yourself, opeaning the door for that person, picking a flower for them, squezing their hand in encouragement, helping them in the little things, and not just in the rought times, bringing them breakfast in bed in a spur of the moment idea, Being the first to apologise after an argument, keeping their favorite shirt or shoes clean, consoleing after a rough day, laughing them up when they are down, sacrafising your free time to spend it with them.
Love showed twards friends is walking with them to class instead of taking the shortcut, visiting them when they are alone or sick, calling them in the middle of a boring summer, letting them cry on your shoulder when then need a shoulder, cautioning them when you think they might hurt themselfs, giving them a ride even if it is a littel oout of the way of oyour destination.
Love in general, to all people is obvious but we often neglect it. Picking up the package of macaroni th elderly lady droped in the store, helping some one shorter than you reach something, helping someone pickup the contents of their shopping bag that had just broke, giving someone the right-of-way on the street, moving someone out of the way of falling boxes, helpign someone carry their many packages, showing common curtisy to everyone you meet.
Love is a verb.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
*Dont wait for tomorow to wish you had done it yesterday.
*Dont sit there wishing you could just get up and say what you mean. The first step to anything is taking that first step.
*Dont get caught up in the flow of the every day norm. Break away from your security bubble and create something new and excitingly different.
*Dont sit trying to be avoided in a conversation that shows hypocricy and injustice to the truth. Sit up straight, look the spaker in the eye and make yourself heard loud and clear for what is right and true.
~*One good deed done on your way can, for the best, change everyones day*~
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Worth the Hard Work

My chior is doign a fundraising program for the kids who want to go to New York City to sing in Carnegie Hall called Rent-a-Kid. People can rent a pair or more of us who are willing to work to do work such as mowing laws, yard work, sweeping, washing windows, washing cars, and such.
Today me and three other girls and one of the girls brothers went out to a house south of the Wynochie Dam to RAKE the couple s WHOLE front and side yard that totals about a little over 2 acres. We first raked away all of the rocks and sticks from the dirt (there was no grass. It still needs to be planted.) Then we took piles of fertilizer/top soil and raked piles of that flat over about half of the yard. We raked for seven hours and were still not done. Going back tomorow to finnish it all up. All the while it is 105 degrees outside.
That is what kids do when they are determined to get somewhere. I and 13 others are willing to work our way to New York while the other 15 are putting their hopes alone in sponsors and their parents to get the funds to be able to go. I know ill have the money by the time we begin to pack next spring. All the hard work will be worth it when I walk up those steps and open the doors of Carnigie Hall to experience what few have ever experienced.
And, hey, I actualy liek the work. It dont bother me on ebit. Im just glad God invented gloves! :-)
Sunday, July 16, 2006

...Ofcourse you wanna check out the window every so often to make sure no one walks in on you while your attempting to moon walk on the piano bench! lol. Everybody loves ta dance!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Is Watermellon good for the skin?
Thursday, July 06, 2006
A beautiful day
Monday, July 03, 2006
First tase
Sunday, July 02, 2006
"The way i see it" a cool quote i found
Think about it. Its true. Its nice to look nice or even pretty, beautiful, but the real importance is who you are inside and the choices you make everyday