Monday, April 05, 2010

A year later, older, and wiser... hopefully ;)

So... Where to begin?
Life is good, just got back to the school dorms after a much needed Easter Break.

Five more weeks till my sophomore year in college ends and I have learned a few things...

I have learned that-
* it is possible to be a productive procrastinator
*I wake up most mornings thinking "I have to get up and be responsible"
*it is possible for my "burns" on people to be legitimately funny
*there is hope for my ridiculousness
*my books probably will never get published but that shouldn't stop my writing
*I have learned God has something better in store for me than I could ever hope or dream
* and I have learned my worth.

It is amazing how far you can come and how much you can learn in a year, especially when you know that you knew absolutely ZERO about so many things.

I am hoping to keep this blog up... we will see! ;P

Till Another Day!

1 comment:

lookupLove said...

Well I think you're ridiculously amazing and "burn"ing hot! LOL. More importantly, a woman seeking after God's own heart. I <3 your <3.