Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Something Like That...

So... earlier this week my roomate and I made a "Get A Life" list. So far I have been active upon it, but I am getting more distraught over my current unemployment. I wont... cant... fear to lose hope that my life will go somewhere. I know that it is just the current time of my life that I am going through, but it sucks. I am not quite good enough in my talents to really make it anywhere(though my painting is improving). Almost none of my dreams seem to have potential of coming true, and I just feel.... stranded. .... Though, I know once I get my first car ever (figure that one out) in three weeks and get a job somewhere in that time, things will start looking up. I want to get my excitement for life back, but I have to work to keep my optimism up.... I probably need to work on that issue... I hope it's not turning into a lack of faith.. oh Lord help me. I dont think it is, but my negative mood needs to stop it. *angry face at self*
Do dreams really ever come true? .. Yes and no. I think that they can and they can't but whether or not they do God is in control and has better things for us than what we could imagine.
Gads... I need someone to encourage me.... *cough* I hate feeling like I have to be happy and hopeful and optimistic all the time.

Random act of the day: watched the sunset by myself on the shore of a lake drinking Arizona Sweet Tea
Current Contemplation: The effort of being sweet

Till another (more joyful) Day!


lookupLove said...

Yes, my dear, tis very sucky. You def have my empathy.But I need to point out: you are VERY talanted! Don't be so hard on yourself. You're an awesome artist who's ever improving, you're creative, you're working hard on your degree, you've written BOOKS for goodness sakes! I'm slightly jealous...all in Christian love of course ;) I'm not trying to fish for sympathy myself by saying this, but look at me! I don't exactly fit the world's definition of "making it" or "living a dream." I feel like a failure often, but u kno what? I think God's teaching us that the journey (as long as we're walking to Him) matters more than what we think we should be accomplishing in the end. We're here to glorify Him, even if we look unaccomplished by human standards. It's so hard to grasp and really feel in the heart. I feel ya chica, you're not alone! I hope you get whatever job u should and I kno God will take care of you! I'm slowly seeing He can take care of us when we can't take care of ourselves, whodathunk! Haha. Love u!

Sarah Hansen said...

Thank you Olivia :) I really needed to hear that. And you are SOOO talented yourself! You have such a natural talent and wonderful imagination.
God is good. :) I am glad he's in controll and not me :D

needingahobby said...

I am the same way Sarah you know that. I have been thinking the same thing for months now. At least you have something that you are good at and enjoy doing! :)