Friday, July 02, 2010


Well, besides my lame title, things have been great!
I finally got a job. Famous Footwear hired me and I should be starting in a week or so. My car has been working fairly well, aside from the occasional stalling and shut off at stop lights.
I am hoping to do a series of photo shoots sometime soon. I am wanting to do two women and a man but we will see which of my friends are willing to dress up and be dragged around town for an afternoon. ;D I am hoping to get some experience, improve my technique and get some word out there. Also, I filled up the last pages of my water painting pad. .... suck. oh well, on to my sketch book :P

Random Act of the Day: Gave fifty cents to a guy short of change who had come into Kum&Go in a white bath robe.
Current Contemplation: How the heck I am going to draw a decent dragon in the background of my current pencil drawing undertaking.

Till another day!

1 comment:

lookupLove said...

Yay, photo phun! =P And I like your dragon :)