1. I should have left and gone to bed an hour ago.
2. This has been an amazing weekend, for starters. Forget that, it has been an amazing few months. But after a good, long talk tonight... it was slightly depressing: reassuring, and yet I feel like a failure doomed to repeat my mistakes. I still don't know what I'm doing half the time, just holding on by my teeth and hoping to land on my feet... though I find myself walking steadily (to my utter surprise) *whew*. I feel... kind of at peace... but overwhelmingly distressed. Gosh I hate those horrendous mixes! I wish there were no "but"s, no "if"s, no "at the same time"'s. I just want... gosh, I don't want the issues to exist just cause I try to prevent them, cause I feel the need to gourd myself against a repeat in history (cause I am too careful and slightly paranoid? Most likely). I don't want to have to keep reminding, asking, waiting, though I know I should? At least the latter part... but then I end crying like that little girl who broke her arm trying to be like the big kids (oh wait, that was me....). What the heck is the issue? What is it that I keep doing wrong? I guess I am the issue. It is me! Why did I put half of independent Sarah in a box? I am my own worst enemy. Gosh, I have had a wonderful history lesson on how I suck. Lord Jesus, save me from myself! o.O
3. Get a blog. Great way to vent and almost no one ever reads em.
4. I am way to tired to be blogging.
5. There is a wind advisory tonight. Be safe
Till another day! (At a more reasonable hour, with more legitimate things to talk about.)
P.S. Church was WONDERFUL today. The sermon was really really good, had a good time with the youth kids, painted Jesus on the game room wall, and helped teach the youth group about the underground Church.
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