*awkward silence*
Well now that we have gotten that out of the way I want to say, first of all that Jesus is awesome. Not just our common knowledge and use of the word "awesome," but the level of "awesome" where it would be cool but weird if I explained it and wrote you down the definition. I took my advice from my previous post (which weirds me out some time since it technically comes after this post (sorry, my OCD starts sneaking out of the closet when I'm tired and drained)). But back to Jesus. I . . . really am so glad that he came, lived a perfect life, sinless, kind, selfless, yet spoke the truth, boldly, at the right time, etc, etc. It is such an encouragement for there to be a perfect person (who just happens to be the son of God) to look up to and have as a role model. Before, I was restless and frustrated, and now, after spending time in the Word, I am calm and reassured that things will work out.
I also read a Hyperbole and a Half post tonight. It is her most recent post about Adventures With Depression. It was hilarious, yet sad, and the truth about how depression is often dealt with. I got to the end and sat there (here) staring at the end picture, hoping for a happier ending. (read it!!!) Also, concerning H&H, I drew my suite/dorm room door in the artistic style of Allie. :D
That is all I really have. Hope you have had a wonderful week! (And happy late Veterans Day!)
Random Act of The Day: I decided out of the blue to go on a walk, and my roomie came with me. We ended up walking fairly far, then got yummy Starbucks and perused the isles of the Dollar Tree.
Current Contemplation: Dammit all, this apple is going to fall far from the tree (not too far, but a safe distance so as to not succumb to the same fate as the tree)!
Till Another (better) Day!
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