Friday, January 13, 2012

Thoughts on Acts

This month I have been reading through the book of Acts and have been needing to put down my thoughts on the chapters. What better place to put them down here where I won't lose them?!
So, here goes-
1: I always wondered what happened to Matthias.
2: How amazing! Just thinking of being there when the Spirit comes upon the disciples and believers, hearing the rush of wind, and being there when three thousand cried out to know what they could do to change their lives, then actively become a part of the Body of Christ! I think worship at camps and retreats are just a small taste of how amazing it must have been, and how it should be every day.
3: We still have the same problems, able men making money off of the sick and lame.
4: "Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul"
5: It boggles me every time, that the leaders actually think that by telling the apostles to stop speaking of Jesus, that they would actually obey. Then they get mad and want to kill them! I also wondered if Gamaliel converted before his death. . . .
6: Is it so difficult to function as a family, and as the Bride of Christ? Squabbling over fair shares and carpet colors is ridiculous.
7: Not that I ever want to be stoned, but to die for the name of Jesus Christ would be the greatest honor. And Stephen! What an amazing man! His death is a loss to us alive, but the lucky man to go first, and what a great example of a man to follow behind, to have a heart for Christ like he did.
8: Phillip, another good example of a man of God. He went when God told him to go. He did not hesitate, and he did not need a degree or a boards approval. He followed God's direction, and took the opportunity given to him to baptize the eunuch into Christ.
9: I understood it before, but I never sat and thought about when The Lord says to Ananias, "For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name."
10: Though I find it hard to understand, on a personal level, it is interesting to see Peter and the others struggle with the fact that ALL have been redeemed, not just the Jews. I guess just like many of our own customs that we have grown up with, it is difficult for many of the Jews to no longer go to the synagogue, or understand that Gentiles are not "unclean."

That is all I will do for tonight. I have read further, but it is late and I want to continue writing when I am fully rested and alert.

Current Contemplation: Getting my back tire fixed
Random Act of the Day: Set aside time to get some much needed writing done (I know it's not truly random, so what ? :P)

Till Another Day!

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