Saturday, April 30, 2011

On to Bigger and Better Things

First off, I told you that I would update you on the progress of the wonderful new diet I decided to test. I reply by saying, "What is this 'diet' you speak of?" Besides being difficult to manage being a college student living on campus, I cant afford the blasted thing. It is SOOO nice to eat popcorn again!

On other notes, I get to visit home in Montana for a week in about a month. Super stoked :D Aside from getting to see my family after nearly two years of thousands of miles of separation (1400 ish) I also get to enjoy the fresh mountain air, take pictures of one of the most beautiful states in the union, ride the bus there and back, and I get to do yard work! Yay me!

The next couple weeks are going to be hectic. School is out on the 13th, week of ministry is this next week and life is crazy.

Random Act of the Day: Shopping with my Suitemate
Current Contemplation: Money is a necessary evil

Till Another Day!

1 comment:

needingahobby said...

hahahaha did the diet work? Did you lose any weight? I'm thinking about trying it..:) love ya girl! cant wait to see you