Friday, September 02, 2011


My How To's for the afternoon:
-How to reach a goal: Just do it
-How to eat dark chocolate: Slowly, relishing it's deliciousness
-How to spend a rainy day: Curled up on a couch by a window, reading a good book or watching a good movie.
-How you know they matter most: gut wrenching prayer hidden from the rest of the world
-How to best watch a sunset: Sitting on a log/dock on the shore of a lake surrounded by near-silence.
-How to spend a boring afternoon: Go do something you've been contemplating doing for a while just cause you can.
-How to write: with patience and enthusiasm
-How to learn: through trial, error, observation, and an energy drink
-How to work a job you don't like: by remembering why you are working, and what you are working for.
-How to further enjoy it: see it as an opportunity to brighten others days . . . even the disgruntled old men who come in angryanddontunderstandthatyouworkundersetguidelines.... *exaggerated grumbling*
-How to eat pizza crust: Last
-How to sing in a shower: loud and with much laughing at ones self
-How to pursue your passions: being joyously determined and unrelenting
-How to drive a car: at least the speed limit, windows down, and blaring your favorite song while you and your passengers sing at top of your voices.
-How to dance in a car: make sure it is dark outside so no one can see you, and be sure there is little traffic so you can toss your hair without the fear of wrecking your car.
-How to watch a thrilling or scary movie: With your significant other . . . so that you can hide behind them at the scary parts
-How to paint: however you want to! It will be better than half the stuff in our museums
-How to get in shape: . . .
-How to get in shape without sacrificing all the foods you love: run A LOT
-How to watch a comedian: with a room full of friends
-How to get something across the room without going to get it: The Force
-How to do the things you want to do: write up a creative list of both logical and slightly unrealistic things you'd like to do, pin it up on the wall where you will see it all the time, then let it glare at you till you do something on the list just so you feel a little more satisfied and accomplished with your life. :D Or I guess you could follow the first "How to" on this list.

Till another Day!

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