Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Thrilling, Epic, Adventurous Life of Me

Hello again.
What a week! What a busy, relaxing, lonely, crazy week. It has actually been quite good . . . taking into account that I had no school Monday.
After my long day of hanging out with people, getting an oil change for my poor car (who I have decided looks more like an old man than an old lady), and spending three decent, but slightly boring hours in my Popular Fiction class, I ended it with getting McDonalds coffee with a friend. Taking one step back, my PF class didn't get to meet in our designated room in the new building. I was so looking forward to it. I wanted to watch the sunset through the big side window instead of being in a cold, windowless basement. (but back to the end of my day)

We were driving back to the school and we started talking about video games cause another of our friends had brought up a role playing game a few hours earlier, and I have to honestly say that I am . . . refreshed, by my thoughts (cause they are not bitter or negative) on the subject we discussed, and it helped me put into words the current revelation I have had for myself, both spiritually and as a person.
I think back to high school when I had more ambitious dreams for my life. I remember wanting to go to Romania, help orphans and stop injustice, wanting to go to Sudan and work building schools and protect people. Even into college I would daydream about getting captured then saving people and killing the bad guys, dieing for a just cause, and righting the wrongs of injustice. It is a nice though, but, just being honest, those things would and will never happen. I am also a BIG into fantasy books and movies. How adventurous to explore an unknown world, battle evil creatures, epically fight, bleed, and win victory's, and journey to perilous lands where the fate of it all rests in your humble, but strong and willing hands. (that second part I still day dream about :) ) But as I read more books, played more games, watched more movies, and dove further into my own passion for writing my fantasy novels, the more I realized that my escapism and dissatisfaction of this world was, though seemingly understandable, a foolish quest for my own fulfillment of a life I thought I would never have.
I have learned that there is no greater quest, adventure, and challenge than the life I am living. I battle against sin every day with the best ally on my side. I am given the opportunity to love more than I might think humanly possible, to see the challenges in my life and overcome them. No, they are not dragons, beasts, or goblins, but they are there and many of them are eternal.
What is living epically, and adventurously? Pulling over on the road to see if the lady with her flashers on needs help and make sure she is ok, to offer the exhausted, hard working mother of two energetic boys free babysitting so she can get at least one evening a week to herself while her husband is fighting overseas, to catch a shopper who is about to leave the store exasperated and give her my full attention to help her find what she needs, just to find out in conversation with her that she has been having a horrible week and me helping her made her day.
Living epically is to love faithfully, affectionately, unconditionally someone for your whole life. It is to know whole heartedly, that if a bullet or car came towards them, you would take it. It is to do the little things in life with your friends and family, because they are the memories that matter most, and the building blocks to relationships that last for a lifetime. It is listening when the person speaking isnt your first choice in company, a kiss in the rain or watching a sunset hand-in-hand in silence cause you know what the other is thinking, being the one person to step forward to help some one who has fallen, or stopping on a dusty back road to help a lost lady find where she is wanting to go.
What are some aspects to our favorite epic stories that we crave? Struggle, pain, sacrifice, change, quests, passion, conquering, and that fight you knew was coming but feared at the same time. Are we so blind to not see these in our own lives? I fear rejection, failure, and loss, but I know that if I don't take that step to live and be more of how God intended, am I not defeating my purpose? My books, especially, have been very helpful in making me see this. My characters, a lot of the time, were what I wish I could be, do what I wish I could do, but now I see them as a reflection of what I am and what I strive to become. I want to fight, love, have faithful friends, and be pursued, but it is a two way street and if I want that, I need to give that with no reservations.
I will let my heart break if it mean that I have loved with all that I have, I will let my hands bleed and feet hurt if it means I have worked hard and done good, I will let my head ache and brow sweat if it means that I have been up for hours doing all of that and then more for those I care most about. I am a work in progress . . . for the entirety of my life, but no journey's lessons are all learned on its first leg :)
That is my current revelation :)

Random Act of The Day: read birthday cards and laughed at them with Molly at Walmart.
Current Contemplation: I want tea . . . I mean REALLY want tea.

Till Another Day!

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